Beechwood Farms

Roadside Market/ Grocery
At our South Carolina certified roadside market, customers can purchase a wide variety of fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables. You can also find us at various local Farmer's Markets.


In addition to being able to shop our roadside market, customers can enjoy the beauty of the farm by choosing to pick their own strawberries or vegetables. 


Commercial Operations
Did you know that Beechwood is a major supplier for many local and national grocers?  On the commercial side of our farm, you can often view the huge 18-wheeler trucks coming in to supply large retailers.  The farm is always a busy place, and for that, we are very thankful!

Beechwood  Operations

Beechwood Farms has been in business for over 50 years! Farming is a challenging profession, as floods, droughts, and freezes can easily ruin months of careful preparations.  However, to Billy and Elizabeth Ledford, it has been a calling. They love the upstate community, and they feel that God has called them to work the land.  Research has increasingly shown that fruits and vegetables are healthiest when eaten within 48 hours of leaving the vine (click here for more information). Come see us.  You can know exactly the source of your food, maximize its nutritional value, and we can wrestle with the floods, droughts, and freezes, so you don't have to! 

About Our Farm